Digital X-Rays In Cypress TX
Chiropractic care is based on a well-aligned spine and well-functioning joints and soft tissues. To accomplish this, Dr. Hickman has to be able to see inside the body to assess problems and make a treatment plan.
When dealing with a broken bone, a doctor will do an x-ray to see where the break is located and how badly the bone is broken. In chiropractic care, multiple pictures of the body and joints are needed for a thorough examination. To obtain these pictures, x-ray or radiation beams are directed through the body and onto special film.
X-ray technology has improved dramatically in the last century to decrease the amount of radiation needed to produce the intricate images needed for optimal treatment. Digital machines are now widely available that create almost immediate pictures with much less radiation exposure than traditional x-ray machines.
Digital x-ray pictures are sent directly to a computer screen for immediate examination. The technology allows custom positioning and the ability to enlarge specific areas for closer inspection.
Your Family Chiropractic Care uses digital imaging for the care and safety of all patients. If you are experiencing back pain, headaches, neck pain, or numbness or tingling in the feet or hands, our office can help you. Call 281-256-0606 to schedule a consultation today.